From time immemorial, Indians have always held the cow on a high pedestal, revering it as Kamadhenu – the symbol of fertility and the provider of life. Cows are center to sustainable and regenerative method we follow, as cattle grazing helps relatively high carbon sequestration of land. Also, cow dung and urine are used in the preparation of a wide range of manures and formulations that promote plant growth, boost plant immunity, improve soil health, and increase crop productivity and yields.
The cow-centric agricultural practices of India are new to most of the Western countries, which explains their over dependence on chemical fertilizers.

A holistic farming
technique was born
Combining these with soil-enriching farming practices of the world, such as Miyawaki, Dhabolkar, Permaculture, Pranic, Biodiverse, Biodynamic etc., and enhancing them with nature-friendly technologies, the two have developed More Than Organic™ method. This has helped us create a sustainable, naturally enriched, super healthy farm where animals, birds, plants, and humans co-exist happily.